What's On

Dates for your diary

As soon as possible we will be having a public opening event for Marcham Centre, but with current restrictions in place it will be impossble until we are all able to gather together safely.

Marcham Community Group
Eighth Annual General Meeting
Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.30 pm By Online Zoom Conference

Because of Covid-19 restrictions, we will hold the AGM this year by an online Zoom conference. Please read the notice about the meeting and how to take part in trustee elections.

MCG AGM 12 November details

Anyone can attend the meeting but you need to be a MCG member to take part in the voting. To find out more about becoming a member of MCG, please e-mail our Membership Secretary, Simon Talbot

What Was On

Saturday 22nd February 2020 — Concert by the Moonrakers

This will be held in All Saints' Church and will be a fundraising event for the MarchamCentre fixtures and fittings. By this date it really will be 'countdown' to the opening of the new village facilities.
There will be refreshments. Ticket information will be out soon.

27th - 29th September 2019 — Great MAD Weekend

For Photos visit the MAD News November edition (2019), pages 10 and 11.
Marcham Community Group and the local church community jointly held Great Marcham & District Weekend on 27th-29th September 2019. This raised  a grand total of £5,103. This will go towards much-needed funds to fit out the new Community Facilities. The weekend included Harvest Festival and celebrated 10 years of Marcham Moldova Lifeline (with a wonderful Gala dinner raising funds to go to projects in one of Europe's poorest countries).

Events included:
• Sunflower-growing competition
• Flower, vegetables and produce show (start planting up your seeds now!)
• Dog show (many entry classes)
• Vintage/classic car rally
• Treasure hunt on foot
• Gala dinner
• Harvest Festival BBQ
• Teddy Bears Picnic
• Historic walks and church tours
• Smartphone film competition
• Apple Day/juicing events
• Quiz night
• Pub games contests
• Family Fun runs and family sports
• Archaeology exhibition
• Art and Sculpture exhibition
• Tea, cakes and ice cream

Click once to enlarge the photos and then click on the photo again to see the next one!

Thursday 25 September 2014 — AGM and open meeting

AGM 2014 AGM 2014 AGM 2014 AGM 2014

Apple Day 2013

Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013 Apple Day 2013

MCG AGM and Open Meeting September 2013

AGM 2013 AGM 2013 AGM 2013

Users Forum 29 February 2012

The Users Forum was part of the consultation facilitated by MCG on the details of the layout of the community building proposed by the Anson Trust and Taylor Wimpey. For more information, and to see the report on the detailed feedback from this meeting, see Archive News

Users Forum 2012 Users Forum 2012 Users Forum 2012 Users Forum 2012

Sorry - photos not clickable for the older events

Burns Supper on Saturday 21 January 2012

MCG is very grateful to Denise Asher for organising the Burns Supper in the Sports and Social Club as a fundraising event, and to her and all her team of helpers for making it such an enjoyable evening for the 82 guests.

The event raised over £1700.

Burns Supper   Burns Supper   Burns Supper   Burns Supper

Marcham Masks 2011

Saturday 1st October 2011 was a wonderful summer day. Many families made the most of it by coming to the children's activities in the afternoon and staying on for the barbecue and the band.
Our thanks for the support from the village and to everyone who worked so hard to make the event a success.

We raised £850.

Marcham Masks


Great Marcham Jubilee Weekend

Includes MCG events ... read more the GMJW page of the MADNews website